Victoria Attanasio – Real Estate Agent

Let’s Get to Know Victoria Attanasio

Q: How long have you been a realtor and why did you enter the industry?
A: I have been a realtor since 2004 but began working in real estate in 2001.

Q: What motivates you the most?
A: Knowing that we change peoples’ lives in a permanent way for the better. This is true for my role as a realtor and also as a business owner. If I can support my associates and help them to be their best, then I am happy.

Q: What is your favorite part of the job?
A: KEY DAY! Pretty awesome for all! Also, as a business owner participating with the community is such a privilege.

Q: What do you do when you’re not working at Amare?
A: Cooking (that’s my love language), gardening with my hubby (I play a support role there, he is the gardener), and classes at the gym.

Q: What sports teams do you follow?
A: Dodgers, Rams, and Sharks

Q: Favorite movies?
A: Huge Harry Potter Fan!

Q: Favorite TV Shows?
A: Schitt’s Creek,

Q: Pets?
A: Oliver, Penny, Abby and Leon–2 yellow labs and 2 tabby kitties

Q: What social media do you use most regularly?
A: Facebook and Instagram

Q: What was the last book your read?
A: Chatter by Ethan Cross, The Christmas Pig by JK Rowling

Q: Favorite outdoor activities?
A: Walking/hiking

Q: If you could have any kind of car, what would you get and why?
A: BMW, luxury, statement car, mine needs a bath right now

Q: What would be your ultimate vacation?
A: Europe, to include Italy and Ireland

Q: If you could have lunch with anyone who would it be?
A: Hmmm, this changes often, Michelle Obama, Sheryl Sandberg

Q: What are some of the customer service things you’re proud of at Amare and describe your view of what exceptional customer service is?
A: We have retained our relationships well beyond escrows. I started in this business with no database and have cultivated relationships that sustain me in business and personally. Our customer service focuses on unexpected extras, for example, getting the home professionally cleaned before our buyers move in and literally wrapping the door with a bow. Remembering purchase anniversaries, birthdays, etc. is part of what we do. Our service is based on making a connection that is beyond the sale.

Amare Real Estate Services: Family-Owned and Family-Focused
By creating a family atmosphere here at Amare Real Estate Services in Morgan Hill, CA, we know that our spirit will open doors to many more opportunities for ourselves and for those around us. With experience in both residential and commercial sales, we make certain that all of our customers’ best interests are served at every stage of the process.